The pectoralis muscles aren’t just for show. This is a super important area of the body which we often think of in the wrong way.
Most guys go to the gym and want to work their chest, chest, chest. “How much can you bench?” is probably the most common phrase of meatheads in the gym.
However, this area is often too overworked and PULLS DOWN on the shoulders, rounding them forward, and creating poor posture and poor movement patterns. Especially in those people who sit at a desk, in the car, or on the couch all day long…
This muscle gets shortened and tight, rounds your shoulders forward, and then causes you to have the classic “caveman” posture we all dread.
Here’s the anatomy of the pec muscles:
- Pectoralis Major- this muscle has 2 divisions of it, and even is oftentimes separated out into separate muscles. The 2 divisions are the pectoralis major sternal division and the pectoralis clavicular division. The sternal division originates on the sternum and rib cartilage in the chest, while the clavicular division originates on the medial portion of the clavicle, or collar bone. They both insert onto the upper portion of the humerus (upper arm bone) at the shoulder. This muscle adducts the arm at the shoulder, and it also internally rotates the shoulder.
- Pectoralis Minor- This muscle is a short muscle. It originates on the front surfaces of the 3rd, 4th, and 5th ribs and inserts onto the coracoid process of the scapula (shoulder blade). Its action is to elevate the ribs and protract the scapula.
These muscles counterbalance the action of the rhomboid muscles- when the pecs get shortened and tight, the rhomboids get lengthened and weakened- and this combination causes the forward head carriage and poor posture that leads to the awful tension in the neck and shoulder blades.
You also have lymphatic drainage that travels right underneath these muscles. If they’re tight, they can restrict lymphatic flow and you won’t flush out toxins from your body as efficiently. This can lead to a weakened immune system where you get sick more often.
Check out the video below to see how you can stretch those pec muscles and correct that bad posture. Doing this will make your head less heavy and relieve tension.