I know because I’ve been there. I was very active as a kid, and I loved going outside, playing sports and exercising. But, at one time, I almost reached a point where, because of chronic back pain, I thought I’d have to give all that up. I tried so many things to get rid of my pain, but I really never knew the right thing to do. Some people said to use ice. Just as many said to use heat. Some said, “You have back pain because you have weak abdominal muscles. Go do sit-ups!” Some said I needed to bend at the knees, not at the waist. The list went on and on. It seemed like everyone had a different magical solution to my problem. Even my sport coaches told me information that I later found out to be completely wrong; in fact, some of the things they recommended to help with my pain actually ended up making me far worse!
After trying many different techniques, I still had excruciating back pain every day. Constantly. Some days were worse than others—but, to this day, I vividly remember the worst being when I was stuck in my car, afraid to get out because the pain was that bad. It was then that I thought everything was hopeless. I thought I would have to give up all the things I loved to do. Forever.
But thankfully, I discovered there was a solution to my problem. I didn’t have to live my entire life bending forward at the waist, standing on one leg in pain or lying down on the couch on top of a pile of pillows. There is actually a way out of the agony. And, it amounts to a synergistic combination of very simple choices –things you can do each day to make the quality of your life more enjoyable.
It took me quite some time to heal myself. My quest for what works to relieve back pain began more than 20 years ago, when I was getting treatment for my own back. I learned what worked and what didn’t work to alleviate the problem. Then, over 17 years ago, I continued my journey as a chiropractic student. I started to observe how muscles and joints responded to different types of stressors, therapies and physical therapy modalities and instruments.
These observations became invaluable to me when I opened my chiropractic practice in 2001. Many of my patients were athletes and desk jockeys suffering from similar injuries to what I had experienced, and to what you are experiencing now. Since that time, I have continued to gain more knowledge about what works, what actions and movements create further injury and what types of therapies are essential in curing back pain and preventing it from returning.
Now, I know what worked for me, I know what works for my patients—and I know what can work for you!
In my private practice, I can only help so many people. I wanted to start reaching out to more people (like you!) all around the world who are experiencing the same health and back pain issues as my patients, but maybe they live too far away and can’t get access to the type of care and knowledge I am able to give. So I decided to start The Healthy Back and Wellness Institute because I figured out a way where you can still receive that personal touch and get the knowledge and information you need.
So, if you haven’t already- sign up below to get my free tips and begin your journey to eliminate your back pain- for good!