We’ll be hiking from 9,000 ft. above sea level up to over 13,000 ft. I’m actually pretty worried about how I’m going to fare that high up…
I normally don’t do well in altitude. The good news is- I hiked Mt. Baldy this weekend to prep- that hike went from 6,000 ft to 10,000 ft.
It was awful, but it was the highest I’ve ever hiked WITHOUT getting a headache!
Here’s a pic from this past weekend. I call it “Baldy conquers Mt. Baldy!”
So, this weekend in the Sierra’s, I’ll be carrying all my gear- tent, extra clothes, jacket (it’s gonna drop to the 30’s at night), dehydrated food, bear cannister (yup, this is bear country), water purifier, and all the bare essentials.
I just packed my backpack, and it’s about 45 lbs…
To prep for carrying the extra weight, I’ve been spending a lot of time hiking with a weighted vest on.
This vest is just 23 lbs (I weighed it out, because I was really curious).
If you’ve never run with a weighted vest on before, it’s really not pleasant. It just makes you breathe heavier every step of the way, and it makes your whole chest and rib cage feel like they’re being compressed and suffocated.
Here’s a pic of me wearing this thing today- this was about as close as I got to cracking a smile with it
Oh my gosh, just looking at the pic again, I’m shocked I never even mentioned the heat. It was SO hot out there already, but this thing must’ve made it feel another 10 degrees hotter.
Well, I normally weigh about 175 lbs. or so, so this vest- did I mention it’s 23 excruciatingly painful extra lbs? – it brings me up to just under 200. Which isn’t even all that heavy, from what I see around town on a daily basis…
But holy cow- I’ve been getting a TON of back and neck pain from this stupid thing! I’m even feeling extra achy in my knees. It’s crazy to me just how much a mere 23 lbs. of extra body weight can add such a strain on the body. It makes me cringe at just the thought of being pregnant or overweight…
So my point is this- if you’re someone who has aches and pains and is a bit overweight (and I’m pretty sure about 100% of us feel we could stand to lose a little), you NEED to make a change and lose some weight! Getting rid of even an extra 5 lbs will make a HUGE difference in how you feel.
It’ll decrease inflammation, and it’s going to take the stress off the joints of your hips, spine, and knees.
Now is a great time of year to get outside and exercise- if you aren’t already following a routine, just start something (ANYTHING) now. Pick something you enjoy, it doesn’t really matter what. Just get out there and get sweating.
Making some changes in the kitchen won’t hurt either.
Sound good? Do it!
Stay Healthy,
-Dr. V
P.S: I’ll be back in town in a few days (unless I become some bear’s dinner!), and I’ll give you an update on the trip.
45 lbs, 13,000 ft. Ughh! The views are gonna be awesome, though. And it will be super remote and peaceful.