All the kids were able to do it. Well, all of them except little Fiona. She’s just 20 months, so…
But, this was quite an experience! No, they didn’t actually jump out of an airplane or anything. But this was some indoor place in San Diego, California where the kids all put on jump suits and go into some plastic bubble where air shoots out of the ground and makes them soar into the air.

My wife got video of all 3 of my kids and even an adult floating in the air sprawled out like some flying squirrel.
When I watched the video of my 6 year old son, I was amazed at how flexible he was. He looked like one of those Chinese acrobat kids you see at the fair doing those crazy back bends and putting their feet behind their heads. If you haven’t seen this, picture a scorpion stinging their prey with that long tail…

One thing I found very interesting when I watched all the videos is that each kid progressively got less flexible with age- my 10 year old was less limber than the 6 year old, 11 year old was less flexible than that, and the adult- forget about it- she looked like Ralphie’s little brother in a Christmas Story when he went outside in the full snow costume and his arms wouldn’t go down by his sides!
This was a total reminder of how we NEED to all be on a stretching routine! The older you get, the less flexible you automatically become. Those joints and tissues lose their elasticity, your movement becomes decreased, and you become this ticking time bomb where things are just gonna “snap” at any moment.
You’ve GOT to start incorporating a stretching routine into your day, and you’ve got to start now.
When you’re starting (which is now, right!), be sure to check out my “6 DONT’S Of Stretching” to help with the process.
Good luck, and stay limber!