If you’re tossing and turning all night- whether it be from pain, not being able to find a comfortable position, your mind is racing, or maybe you feel the need to use the restroom at 2 in the morning- all these things are going to affect you negatively the next day. Sometimes in more ways than one!
Just how important is sleep anyway? Oh my gosh- it plays SUCH an important role in your mental health as well as your physical health. I honestly feel that the key to a happy and healthy life is a good night’s rest.
Lack of sleep has been shown to cause an increased risk of:
- heart disease
- kidney disease
- diabetes
- stroke
- high blood pressure
- poor repair of heart and blood vessels
- heightened anxiety
And let’s not forget to mention about your mood and overall quality of life…
There are lots of people who go through life saying things like “Sleep is for suckers” or “The human body only needs 3 hours of sleep a night” or “There’ll be plenty of time for sleep when you’re dead.”
But sooner or later, these people have all this lack of sleep catch up to them. The reality is that you NEED to get rest to allow your brain to thrive and make decisions, solve problems, cope with stress, and handle depression and the curve balls life throws at you.
And if you are sleeping face down, or you’re on an old mattress, or even if you have a bad pillow that isn’t at the right height- these are all things that are going to get you to wake up either in the middle of the night or in the morning feeling stiff and tight, and maybe not even able to tie your shoes.
You have GOT to train yourself to sleep soundly and in a position that takes stress off your joints and spine.
What position is this? Well, I can assure you it is NOT face down, or what I like to call the Road Kill Position.
Nope, this position time and time again gives you a stiff neck, pain in the back, pain in the hips, and a lot of times hurts your shoulders, too.
You NEED to sleep face up. This is the only way that you can rest without aggravating your shoulders, neck, or back. Sleeping on your side can be okay for some people, but most people will inevitably begin to break down at some point.
I used to have issues with one of my shoulders because I slept in a modified Road Kill. So I switched sides of the bed (because most people sleep facing away from their spouses), so then I slept on the opposite shoulder. Well, what do you think happened??? Yep- my other shoulder started giving me problems.
So I finally decided that I absolutely needed to figure out a way to sleep face up. I hated it though. Every time I would try, I just couldn’t fall off to sleep.
But I finally developed a method that works, and I can show you how this technique has worked for so many of my patients. You can check it out here.