Are you getting frustrated dealing with never-ending back pain? Do you feel like you’ve tried EVERYTHING, but gotten little to no relief? Have you ever thought, “Maybe it will just go away on its own?”
What if I told you there was a solution to your problem? One that didn’t require drugs or any surgery. What if the solution was simple and got you where you need to be- exercising, playing with your kids, enjoying life!
I’ve been where you are. I remember not being able to get out of a car when I was a teenager because my back hurt so bad. I had injured myself from repetitive stress of playing football and lifting weights, and I wanted to continue to be able to do those activities again. They were my livelihood.
I tried everything- ice, heat, sit-ups, stretching, and so many other things that my friends and family recommended had worked for them (lots of these things conflicted each other, so that was overwhelming in itself!). Even my sport coaches told me information that I later found out to be completely wrong: in fact, some of the things they recommended to help with my pain actually ended up making me far worse!
After trying every bit of advice, I still had excruciating back pain every day. Constantly. I really thought I would have to give up all the things I loved to do. Forever.
But thankfully, I discovered there was a solution to my problem. I didn’t have to live my entire life bending forward at the waist, standing on one leg in pain or lying down on the couch on top of a pile of pillows.
There is actually a way out of the agony…
And, it amounts to a synergistic combination of very simple choices- things you can do each day to make the quality of your life more enjoyable.
It took me quite some time to heal myself. My quest for what works to relieve back pain began more than 20 years ago, when I was getting treatment for my own back. I learned what worked and what didn’t work to alleviate the problem.
Then, over 17 years ago, I continued my journey as a chiropractic student. I started to observe how muscles and joints responded to different types of stressors, therapies, and physical therapy modalities and instruments.
Since my time in school, and then much more in depth in my own private practice and countless hours of seminars, I have continued to gain more knowledge about what works, what actions and movements create further injury and what types of therapies are essential in curing back pain and preventing it from returning.
Today I want to offer you the tools of what worked for me, what has worked for my thousands of patients, and what I know can work for you. I would like to extend to you an opportunity for you to purchase my ebook- “The 9 Things Everybody Ought to Know to Eliminate Back Pain- for Good!”
- The 11 top stretching techniques for your pain, and the 1 stretch you should NEVER do (I see people doing it all the time!).
- Proper therapeutic exercises and CORE STRENGTHENING exercises that will build up your stabilizing muscles and keep the back pain away.
- The best foam rolling techniques, as well as one area you need to avoid foam rolling because it can do more harm than good!
- The 3 types of foods you’ve been told are good for you, but they are actually increasing inflammation and pain in your body. You need to eliminate these immediately!
- The single most important type of supplement you should take to destroy inflammation in your body and decrease pain, and the 5 superfoods that will get you this supplement naturally.
- How to combat the effects of adrenal stress and recognize how this can affect you physically.
- How to perform everyday household tasks properly so these simple activities don’t keep breaking you down.
To eliminate this horrible pain and begin your journey to a whole new, healthy you, download your copy of the ebook below!
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