Well, at their hitting lesson the other day, Coach Marc decided to get a little philosophical with them…
In between showing them techniques and drills they should be working on, he started talking about his busiest time of year. Wanna take a guess of when that is???
Stop and think for a minute and think of your best guess…
Well, his busiest day of the year is the day before tryouts for High School Softball.
Why do you think that is? Here’s why- everyone is a procrastinator! People are so busy playing, playing, playing all the time that they don’t take the steps necessary on a DAILY BASIS to help plan for the future.
Do you really think not going to lessons for a long time, and then planning on getting one in at the 11th hour is going to make you a great player?
What about school work? What about becoming a great golfer? What about your career? What about life in general???
Not to get too religious on you here, because I don’t know what your beliefs are. But what if you were a jerk your whole life? You stole, you cheated, you were completely unethical. But then on your death bed you started trying to make up for lost time.
You start thinking of all you should’ve done. How you SHOULD’VE acted. That type of thinking is probably not going to take you to the promised land…
The same is true of anything- a great golfer practices every day, working hard to build that foundation so they are prepared to win a tournament when the opportunity presents itself. A great leader prepares every day through their actions. Then when the time comes, they are prepared to lead their team, their army, to victory.
The same is true of your health. You don’t want to smoke your whole life, eat junk food, move and lift things poorly, sit around on the couch, and then BEGIN to choose healthy habits in your 80’s!
You’ve got to take care of yourself NOW!
That’s why I’ve created my 6 week “Eliminate Your Back Pain For Good” program.

This is the only program designed by a musculoskeletal specialist, that offers you a step by step progression of simple exercises combined with tips on how to avoid beating yourself up on a daily basis with your typical day to day actions.
Because the truth is- all the perfect exercises in the world won’t help you if you’re still not taking care of yourself.
Here’s an example of what I mean- if you’re someone who suffers from excessive bruising, and you heard somewhere that vitamin C helps with bruising, so you go out and buy a bunch of vitamin C. But you try taking it for a while and notice that you still keep bruising.
But what if these bruises were happening because you were walking around the streets and starting arguments with people by being highly insulting to them to the point that random strangers would get so mad that they would punch you and beat you up?
Would you imagine the vitamin C would be very helpful to stop the bruising? Of course not! You’d be crazy to think that.
Well, a lot of the movements you do on a daily basis, when done improperly, can beat up your back and neck because they’re putting so much stress on these areas.
But imagine if you were able to perform your regular daily activities in a manner where they weren’t so stressful on your back and neck- activities like doing the dishes, vacuuming, bending and lifting…
Stop getting punched in the face with these things- doing the dishes is miserable enough as it is. No need to make it hurt your spine at the same time!
With this program you’ll not only learn how to do these regular daily activities properly so they don’t continue to harm your joints and spine, we also cover some super foods that you can easily add into your diet to help decrease inflammation! All these things combined will get you where you need to be.
If you really want to…
- Get pain free and love every minute of it
- Go back to doing the things you used to enjoy doing, and do them with improved performance
- Pick up a new hobby- what have you always wanted to do but have been limited physically?
- Experience renewed energy and wake up invigorated in the morning after a good night’s sleep
- Be admired by your friends for the improved quality of your life!
…Then the “Eliminate Your Back Pain For Good” program is for you.
Imagine what this could do for you? Really imagine- you’re out to lunch with your friends and they are seeing a new level of energy in you! They see it in the way you walk, the way you move, the increased confidence they can see in you…
You’re able to be more active and not have to worry about a certain activity putting you out of commission again.
I’m not saying you’ll never get hurt again. That would be impossible to guarantee. You never know what kind of surprises could pop up at you. But I am saying that you no longer have to live in fear. You can do the activities you enjoy, and you can have the confidence that you are now stronger and if you DO get hurt, you’ll be able to heal more quickly and continue to be active.
An injury that maybe took you 3-4 weeks to heal, now only takes a couple days. And it wasn’t as severe as the flare ups you used to have, either!
Just think, you could enjoy a pain free life like these people:
“I was having trouble walking, and definitely not able to do any kind of exercise at the gym. I had gained quite a bit of weight and was feeling depressed because of it. I had tried everything- physical therapy, acupuncture, medications- they just made me feel tired and depressed. Once I discovered the simple, easy to get started techniques from Dr. V, I’m now pain free and I even started training dogs and was able to do my very first dog show!”
-Christine P, New York
“I couldn’t even tie my shoes in the morning my pain and stiffness was so bad. But after just a couple weeks of these new exercises in the Eliminate Your Back Pain For Good program, I was able to wear shoes with laces again and not be so sore all the time. Now I use these same exercises to help my own clients!”
-Chris T, Personal Trainer, Connecticut
All of this program is normally valued at $249. But stay with me because I have a much better deal for you today.
Just for being a preferred subscriber, I’d like to give you 2 bonuses when you take action right now.
Bonus #1 valued at $99- my ebook, “The 9 Things Everybody Ought to Know to Eliminate Back Pain- for Good!”

This can be used in conjunction with the 6 week Eliminate Your Back Pain For Good program, and it also includes additional subjects. You’re going to discover how other factors affect your spine and cause increased pain. This includes:
- Proper shoe selection and how proper posture starts from the ground up
- Your adrenal glands and how you can reduce stress
- Foam rolling techniques designed to relieve tension in the common muscles who are culprits of tension and pain
Plus, Bonus #2!
Today only, you will also receive a special limited-time bonus valued at $39. You will get access to my Exercise Accountability Journal.
This will help you track your progress and see my organized method of keeping record of your work. It will keep you on pace and help make the exercises a habit. You’ll also be proud of yourself when you see how well you’re progressing. You can push yourself and see your improvement.
This, combined with the 9 Things Ebook will surely help you break through the barriers that have been holding you back from living pain free.
Here is my promise to you. If you go through the Eliminate Your Back Pain For Good program and honestly feel I’ve wasted your time or you weren’t able to find any value, send me an email and I’ll gladly refund you. No questions asked, no hard feelings.
And you know what- I have several people who are very gung ho and want to get started right away and get maximum results. And get them fast. So for you today, I’ve decided to throw in another SECRET BONUS. This is my Expert Video and Photo Movement Analysis, and it’s valued at $150.
For my special subscribers who want to get started right away, I’m including this individualized approach where I will assess your function in performing important movements. You’ll be able to send me a video of yourself walking and performing a squat, and a view of your posture.

And this will allow me to take a look and pinpoint the 3 or 4 exercises SPECIFIC FOR YOU. This will help to maximize your gains and speed up results. But I obviously can’t do this for everyone, it would just be too much of my time. But for those of you who respond today, I can offer you this one time offer if you choose to get started right away.
When you sign up for the Eliminate Your Back Pain for Good program, you will get detailed instructions on how to shoot this video and send it over to me. It’s really easy to do right from your smart phone.
So here’s what you’ll get in addition to the Video Access:
- Eliminate Your Back Pain For Good Video Access ($249)
- Bonus #1 – The 9 Things You Ought to Know to Eliminate Your Back Pain- For Good ebook ($99)
- Bonus #2 – Exercise Accountability Journal ($39)
- Secret Bonus – Expert Video & Photo Movement Analysis ($150)
($537 Total Value)
Add it all together, and the value is quite overwhelming… Over $537, and even at that price this is a total bargain.
But don’t worry, you’re not going to have to pay $537 today.
Today, for my preferred subscribers, your price is just $97.
Just click the Add to Cart button right now and you’ll get the complete system and all the bonuses for just $97.
Once you do that, you’ll be taken to our 100% secure checkout page.
Once you’ve completed your transaction, you’ll receive the entire program, and you’ll receive the bonuses along with instructions on how to shoot your video for the expert analysis.
Once again, just click the add to cart button below, and let’s get you chipping away at your Pain Free Future!