Well, I know I sure am excited, and my kids are loving the thought of Christmas being right around the corner.
I’m not sure everyone knows this about me, but this time of year I really started getting into the Christmas spirit 2 years ago…
Do all of you know what the Elf on the Shelf is???
If not, here’s a quick explanation-
Basically, it’s a little doll about a foot tall that you set out on a shelf. Each night, magic appears, and the elf goes and reports to Santa whether or not your kids have been well behaved. Then the elf comes back and sits in a different spot the next day.
Kids love it, parents hate it…
Pretty much every night, we lie in bed at 10 o’clock and then remember as we’re dozing off “Oh shoot, I’ve gotta move that darn elf!”
So 2 years ago, I was frantically looking for it on the night of November 30th (it starts appearing on Dec 1 and goes through Christmas).
I was so annoyed, and then I finally found it buried deep in the garage. I set her out, and then the next day my whole thought process changed…
The look on my son’s face was PRICELESS! He just had this look of awe and excitement, and I finally thought to myself “I’m gonna embrace this.”
I started getting more creative with the elf. She even got mischievous- wrapped the toilet completely in wrapping paper, dumped out rice on the counter and made snow angels, made mini pancakes in the kitchen, roasted mini marshmallows over a fake candle…
Then I started a tradition of my own.
I bought an adult sized Elf on the Shelf costume and went down to the corner of my kids’ elementary school and posed, pretending to roast marshmallows! I thought I would possibly get arrested or something, but wow- the community was awesome!
I had people crying tears of joy, thanking me for doing this for the town. Even families posing with me to use as their Christmas card photos!
And thus, and new tradition began.
So every year, I plan to go down to the school and do this.
So this morning, I decided to go down and sit in a shopping cart. You see, it has become a HUGE issue in our little town about people not returning their shopping cart to the return area. I had no idea it was such a pet peeve for people! You should see the complaints…
And then there’s the people who feel like they get dirty looks from other people if they are in a huge hurry, baby has a poopy diaper, have to rush home, and leave the cart out.
So, I went down and sat in a shopping cart with a sign that said “Santa left this here. Return to North Pole!”
I was up all night last night thinking about this. And while it was fun, it was actually quite stressful for me, and I even lost sleep over it!
Add that to the stress of fighting holiday crowds, having to get shopping done, my kid’s expensive softball bat just broke, but I already got her main gift, hustle and bustle, the list goes on and on!
All of this adds a lot of unnecessary stress to your adrenal glands!
What am I talking about?
These glands sit on top of your kidneys and are the “Fight or Flight” glands. To learn more about them, check out a blog post I did in the past and go here to learn about Adrenal Fatigue and how you can manage it.
Other than that, today’s shopping cart pose was a huge hit for a lot of people, and while my 2 older daughters were so embarrassed and even walked ahead of me like a quarter of a mile, my 7 year old absolutely LOVED it!
Check out the goofy pic below, and enjoy your holiday season!