The holidays really got the best of me this year. I’m not sure if it was because of the days of the week Christmas and New Year’s fell on, perhaps from the two 4-day weekends, or maybe because I got sick beforehand- but i feel like the holidays really kicked my butt…
But I’m finally back at it, I’m finally organized and rejuvenated and ready to start the new year!
I’ve got my fitness goals, my family goals, my finance goals, my career goals, and my personal improvement goals all mapped out.
So now for the big question- do you??? Are you ready to make this year the best year yet?
I’m very excited to put my head down, create some amazing content for my followers, and really help you get your health where it needs to be.
I started with myself, and this past weekend I finally took care of me- I really sat down and visualized what I expect of myself this year on a monthly, weekly, and daily basis. If I hadn’t set aside the time to do this, I think I’d still be back in holiday mode.
But I sat down and took the time to revise my goals and started with my weekly itinerary of how I expect each day to go.
Here, let me show you what I mean- this is my weekly schedule:
As you can see, I’ve color coded each of the major aspects of my life- Family Time is pink or purple, Exercise is yellow, Working Treating Patients in the office is red, Working on my Online business is green, coaching softball for my kids is blue.
Without this, I would feel lost, and the same thing is true when it comes to your health. Are you setting aside time for YOU? Are you meal prepping on Sundays? Are you setting aside time to do your exercises? Are you getting physical activity? Are you putting aside time with your family and friends, or are you like how I sometimes get where I’m focused more on work when I’m home with my family (and missing out on a lot of good times together)?
Let’s do this together. You don’t have to do a whole excel spreadsheet (although I do encourage you to do that). But set some firm, concrete goals for yourself. Write them down and take action every day to improve yourself.
And if you’ve got some new, fun hobby you’re looking to start- let me know what it is! I’d love to hear about some positive changes you’ve got going on. The world needs you at your best, offering all you can to make this place better!